
desk set up with different notebooks, lime green stapler and tape dispenser desk set up with different notebooks, lime green stapler and tape dispenser
Groovy Greens Taskpad
Rated 5.0 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Small pink taskpad with a metallic gold elastic closure and To Do written on the cover Inside of a notebook with light pink paper and magenta checklist where the boxes are hearts
Pink To-Do Taskpad
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
3.0 Stars (2 Reviews)
Layer 1 SOLD-OUT


Small yellow taskpad with a magenta elastic closure and To Do written on the cover Inside of a notebook with cream paper and magenta checklist where the boxes are hearts
Yellow To-Do Taskpad
Rated 5.0 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Small peach taskpad with a metallic gold elastic closure and To Do written on the cover Inside of a notebook with peach paper and brown checklist where the boxes are hearts
Peach To-Do Taskpad
Rated 5.0 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Girl in pink beret holding up a colorful daisy task pad. Super Daisy Taskpad
Super Daisy Taskpad
Coming Soon


Floral notebook with fun happy taskpad with some floral stationery cards, jotters and a diner mug with a sunshine saying "fuck it' Fun wirebound taskpad shooting rays of color with the word
Happy Taskpad


A happily smiling young woman holding a taskpad with a soft rainbow gradient in front of her. Taskpad with a muted rainbow cover and a metallic gold elastic closure.
Daybreak Taskpad


woman holding a gold jotter pen over a manifest that shit taskpad cover with stars gold wire binding and peach colored elastic closure strap A light blue Manifest that Shit taskpad cover with stars gold wire binding and peach colored elastic closure strap
Manifest That Shit Taskpad
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Girl in pink dress holding a rainbow scalloped "lets do this" task pad. Let's Do This Taskpad
Let's Do This Taskpad


Rainbow flower taskpad on a pink and blue background with a diner mug and misc items. Light blue background and a rainbow flower pattern with green taskpad, rainbow wave jitterbug,
Rainbow Flower Taskpad
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Large wire-bound taskpad with an abstract art pattern on the cover in muted colors. Inside of a large wire-bound taskpad showing a page with peach lines.
Everyone's an Artist Taskpad
Rated 5.0 stars
5.0 Stars (1 Review)


Lady in pink dress with a beret holding "what a time to be alive" task pad. Taskpad with white grid design and text that reads
What A Time Taskpad
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)
