Clean Out Your Makeup Bag, Girl

Here we are at the end of September.
The weather is slowly changing, and it is dark out by 8 pm.
Whether you are excited about Fall or completely dreading it, you have to prepare yourself! So many of us are changing up our daily routines and cleaning out our living spaces so that we can start fresh for the new season.
This includes cleaning out our makeup bags and pouches.

Serious Question… When was the last time you washed your brushes and threw out expired makeup?

Did you know that mascara has a shelf-life of 3 months? Yeah… that bottle you bought before COVID hit has had its time. Get rid of it.
We know it can be a little overwhelming to clean out your beauty stash. We’ve broken down the process into seven steps to make it as simple as possible.
Grab your makeup bag and let’s get started!!

First Step:

We mean EVERYTHING. Foundation, lip products, eye shadows, sponges. Take it all out. This step can be a bit messy so lay out a towel to prevent residue from getting everywhere!!

Second Step:

Wash. Those. Brushes. Grab some makeup brush cleaner and get to washing. Make sure that you re-from your brushes while they are still wet, and never let the base of the brush get wet (it will loosen the glue and the bristles will fall out)

Third Step:

Group your products into separate piles and sort through what you want to keep. Do you have some things that you just can't throw away? Gift them to your friends! One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure.

Fourth Step:

Like we mentioned, earlier makeup expires. Overtime the consistency changes and the ingredients become compromised which leads to breakouts and nobody wants to deal with that drama. So check those expiration dates!!

Fifth Step:

This might be the most satisfying step. Grab a makeup wipe and micellar water and turn your makeup bag inside out and get to cleaning!! Who knew it could get so dirty in there??? YUCK!

Sixth Step:

Any products that are going to go back into your clean makeup bag MUST be wiped off. Take a makeup wipe and clean them the same way you did your bag.

Seventh Step:

Take a deep breath. The hard part is over. The last step is to re-organize. Put all of your fresh clean pallets, blushes, and foundation into your bag and you’re all set!

We know keeping track of makeup can be daunting so, we will let you in on one of the Toot team's best-kept beauty organization secret. Multiple Pouches!! We might be a little extra, but HEY! Our makeup bags are always in tip-top shape!


She is perfect for storing all of your brushes. Her gusset makes more room for those really fluffy ones. The Confetti Jitterbug is oh so easy to clean if any excess powder gets in it. FYI-- it will.

All The Things

The ATT pouch fits tons of those skinny makeup tubes. We’re talking eyeliners, brow liners and gels, lip liners, and mascaras!


This pouch is our go-to on-the-go makeup holder. Pop in your blotting powder, lipstick, and chapstick for your night out on the town!


Last but certainly not least, the Soulmate. She can hold bigger makeup items like pallets, foundation, setting spray, etc. All of our smaller pouches fit in the soulmate as well. Did we mention that she is a team fav?

Is it time to upgrade your makeup bag? Check all of our cosmetic pouches here! Don't forget to share pics of your makeup stash with us @talkingoutofturn on Instagram! Much like a little girl going through her mom or older sister's makeup we LOVE to see what products everyone is using these days!

Posted By: Desy R.
Marketing Coordinator & Team Cheerleader
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Clean Out Your Makeup Bag, Girl


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