DIY Mug Planter


Your favorite TOOT mug can bring life to your space! Mugs don’t always have to hold your drinks, they can hold cute plants in them too. Cacti and Succulent plants are super easy to care for, they thrive in a sunny spot and need very little water to survive. All you need are a few materials and you’ll be set, this is a perfect low maintenance project for those with busy schedules!


Things you will need:

  • TOOT mug
  • Cactus or succulent plant
  • Pebbles
  • Soil (preferably a cactus and succulent potting mix)
  • White or black decorative sand (optional)
  • Water

Follow these steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry your mug, then you will be ready to add a layer of pebbles, about an inch in height. Since the mug does not have a drainage hole like regular plant pots do, pebbles are CRUCIAL because they will act as drainage for the plant.
  2. Add in a thin layer of soil about half an inch to an in height.
  3. Carefully take your Cactus or Succulent out of their nursery pot and gently loosen the roots from the soil. Doing this will get rid of the root ball and help the plant lay nicely in the soil.
  4. Once you place your Cactus or Succulent in the mug hold it in place and add more soil around it until the roots are covered so the plant sits on its own nicely.
  5. Time to decorate! You can add more pebbles on top as well as some sand and you’ve got yourself a cute friend in your space.


Things to remember to keep your friend happy in its new TOOT home:

  • When watering your Cactus or Succulent make sure that you water it enough to dampen the soil but not too much to where you have a lot of water sitting at the bottom. You should only water your Cactus or Succulent when the soil has dried out completely. Typically this can be every 2 to 3 weeks or even once a month.
  • Sunlight is very important, make certain the plant is in a spot where it gets plenty of sun and no cold air drafts.

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DIY Mug Planter


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Dallas, TX 75208

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