10 Easy Tips To Refresh Your Office For Creativity

Create a happy, inspiring, fulfilling space.

We are big believers in paying attention to how our spaces affect how we feel. If you’re a highly visual person, being in the office day in and day out without updating your physical surroundings can leave you feeling uninspired, unfulfilled, and unproductive.

We’re all about a workplace that inspires creativity. If you’re feeling unmotivated or uninspired, it’s a good sign to change up a few things in your office and refresh your workspace. Below are a few ideas to help you easily transform your space and get those creative juices flowing.

1. Figure out what inspires you.


Everyone is inspired by different things in their environment. It might be great lighting, space to move, or white noise.

Notice how you feel in different coffee shops and stores (like our stationery shop!) What is it about those spaces that make you feel creative, alive, and well? What elements can you bring to your own workspace?

2. Make Donate and Toss Piles


Clutter is not cute, so make an effort to allocate items that don’t make you feel great to donate or toss out. You’ll feel better in your space knowing that you’re keeping things that make you feel your best.

3. Upgrade Your Desk Essentials

We love making sure that our workspace is well-stocked with items we actually use. Keep essential office supplies close by and make a home for things like washi tape, pens, and notebooks.

4. Papers—Out

Fight the urge to shove random papers into a junk drawer. Make time during the week to recycle receipts, junk mail, and other papers and keep important papers in desk storage boxes, baskets, or bins.

5. Add Some Greenery

Greenery is proven to reduce physiological and psychological stress and calm your nervous system. Head to your local plant nursery and ask for recommendations based on varieties, available light in your home, and lifestyle. Liven up your space with fun houseplants.

6. Light Up Your Space

Notice how you feel in places with different lighting. Do you enjoy naturally well-lit spaces, or do you prefer it to be dimmer? Do you enjoy the flickering light from candles, or do you need some funky lamps? Find what works best for you, so you can create a space that helps you thrive.

7. Go for Comfort

Everyone can use some time in their workday to relax. Ease the stress, and go for fluffy throw pillows, plush work chairs, or puffy blankets to use while you work or on your breaks.

8. Surround Yourself with Loved Ones

Another easy way to refresh your workspace is to remind yourself of loved ones through pictures and greeting cards. Picture frames or a board of photos and cards from familiar faces can remind you of happy memories and instantly boost your mood for a more motivating work day.

9. Consider the Music

White noise or light background music is a great way to keep the creative juices flowing. Find a playlist that inspires you and gets you in the zone for a great creative work day.

10. Keep Your Favorite Things Close By

Make work a little more fun with a few of your favorite things you can grab within easy reach. Whether it be a pair of your favorite socks or a clear glass mug with a fun saying, surround yourself with things that make you feel happy, creative, and inspired.

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10 Easy Tips To Refresh Your Office For Creativity


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